Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Free Translation - Side Effects (Part 6) - Lessons Learned

Chemotherapy is a cycle. You feel bad for a few days; you get better and then get ready for next time. But in every cycle there are lessons learned that help you prepare better for the next time. Similarly, our hearts need to remember the lessons learned. We need to identify and meditate on the evidence of God's grace in our lives to cope with the new cycles. I’m sharing today a reflection that I wrote in January of this year and was originally published on 33dc Ministry Facebook page.
And there we were...on September 26, 2014...listening to the doctor telling us that our 3 years-old boy had gone into cardiac arrest, that he had a chronic lung disease, that it was severe. The doctor seemed surprised that our son’s heart was in a pretty good condition given the severity of his lung disease. We just needed a few seconds to understand three years of unanswered prayers. Three years asking in faith that our child could walk. But that day we understood that the exercise of walking without treating his lung condition first may have caused greater damage to this heart or may have cost him his life. There we were…with a “faith mystery” almost solved.
But it's not always like this. From this side we don’t always get all the pieces of the puzzle. We don’t always understand the mysteries of faith and prayer. Our problem is that we have too much faith in our "personal faith". We think that if we pray following a specific sequence, or if we use certain words, or if we shut our eyes really tight, or if we have "great faith", everything will be solved.
The emphasis of the Bible is not in the faith as an object. It is about Who is the object of our faith. Hebrews Chapter 11 is full of great examples of faith; then Chapter 12 gives us the application by presenting the greatest example of all. Hebrews 12:2 (NIV) says: "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith ". In other words, we must fix our eyes on Jesus to be saved but we must keep looking Jesus to live the life of faith that reaches the goal.
The original word used for the word “fixing” means “to turn the eyes away from other things and fix them on something”. So to “fix” our eyes on Jesus we need to reject and we need to choose at the same time. Faith is giving up to what is circumstantial; to our plan A, B and C; to our methods; and to the confidence in us. Faith is choosing to look unto Jesus, only Jesus...our faith is valuable and powerful not because of ourselves, it is because of Jesus!
And here we are, still with "incomplete puzzles" but because of Jesus and his Cross we have seen the final picture that talks about victory and redemption. That’s why we are filled with joy and peace as we trust in Him. Here and every day we say: "I trust you", "My eyes are fixed on you", "I rest in your love," "I know you have a plan."
May the Lord help us to remember the lessons learned, so that we may receive with joy and peace the new cycles.
All rights reserved. Rebecca Parrilla. July/2015

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