Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Free Translation - In The Waiting Room - Just in Time

The day before my last "scan" I received a call from the medical office to confirm the appointment and to talk about the copay. A few minutes later (less than 10 minutes) the doorbell rang, we had received a package via mail. There was a note inside with beautiful words of encouragement and a gift card with the exact amount of the copay. I thought, "Yes !!! ...Heaven knows about my appointment."
I'd be lying if I say that I had no money to pay the copay. So, more than a miracle of provision, the miracle was that the shipment arrived just in time. Because it means that someone sent the package a few days before just in time; that it was processed at the post office just in time; that I received the call from the medical office just in time; that the carrier completed his route before arriving to my home just in time; and that the doorbell rang just in time so that I could have a tangible and visible reminder of God’s grace that day.
God is always working behind the scenes and we are not aware of it. But sometimes, we are allowed to see and then we become aware of its sovereignty and providence.
But not always we will get a package at the door. Not always we will be able to see, touch or understand. However, God has already provided the greatest evidence of His grace and He did it just in time:

Galatians 4: 4
"But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son..."

Romans 5: 6
"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."

God’s love became visible and tangible. It was promised to Eve in the Garden of Eden just in time; it came through the seed of a 99-year old man (Abraham) just in time; it was born of a virgin just in time.
Then, we can always say: "Yes !!!!...Heaven knows." God knows indeed, and He showed his grace, sovereignty and providence by solving our most difficult situation, the salvation of our souls, in a cross ... just in time.

All rights reserved. Rebecca Parrilla, September/2015


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